Informal Chat [3.10]

    30min Google hangout. Recruiter 上来先问了名字怎么称呼,发音中文名字还是很不错的,然后一直边听边打字记录;上来就很主动开始提问

    1. 收到 LinkedIn message 之后怎么考虑的,是否了解 DM
    2. 介绍一下 AntFin 的工作
    3. 介绍一下大的 Team Structure
    4. 个人的重点工作。答复了 Code IntelliSense 这些
    5. 提到作为 TL,团队的阵型是怎样的,时间怎么分配的。
    6. Tech Background,个人掌握哪些 PL,进一步问是否了解 C++,讲了之前 Python 做 Scripting / Test Automation 一类的工作。聊了 Java,它的 industrial strength,顺便聊了下 Ant 业务的支付安全属性
    7. 接上问题,问是否 Enjoy 全栈角色、还是更偏后端?答复 Enjoy,能对 Developer Experience 更有掌控感
    8. 之前是否了解 DeepMind. 答自从 AlphaGo 后了解的,Go 在中国很受欢迎
    9. 为什么考虑看其他机会?答希望看一下其他企业怎么做一块,然后提到我个人是 JetBrains 粉,对 Cloud-base DevTools 路线是存疑的,然后 recruiter 说她们也找过 JetBrains 沟通。又提到我的 Manager 是 Google 背景以及他对 CloudDev 的坚信,让我觉得有点兴趣去看看外边。也回答希望 make a conversation,聊聊业界这块都怎么看待 CloudDev 的

    Q&A 环节

    1. 我问了这块为什么不直接找 Google?告知跟 Google 还是有组织边界的,而且 Internal tools 还是得定制的。所以这块她们也是零起步,想找一个有领域背景的人。前期会关注 Python(这块又一次提到找过 JetBrains 聊)然后也会围绕 TF 做些内部工具,会从 Design 一路到 Build
    2. 工作地一定伦敦?答说是的,也能 sponsor visa 等等。反问对 relocation 有顾虑吗?我说考虑。她问了下这边 notice time 多久?没听懂,她解释说是离职一般要花多久
    3. 面试流程多久?6-8 weeks,一轮 Google Hangout 1h 左右 tech interview,后面 on-site;告知要准备下 CV,然后她会发我一个带 JD 的邮件,答复邮件附上 CV 就好了

    Re: DeepMind Info [3.11] Thanks for your email, and I really appreciate the chat with you yesterday.
    I will spend some time preparing my CV and I might send it to you within 1~2 weeks.

    In addition, I made some notes about the questions & answers yesterday since I'm not sure whether I was well expressed or not. (I add some details to some of the original answers I made during the chat)
    • Introduce your work at AntFin
      • Software engineer at Engineering Productivity team
      • Build developer platforms serving internal engineers, such as DevOps workbench / VCS system / IDE tools, etc.
    • Introduce the team structure
      • Lead a team of 6 developers on a start-up project (next generation Cloud Development toolchains, similar to Cider / Citc in Google)
      • Sub projects: DevMachines (remote container env) / Code IntelliSense infra (language servers, etc.) / CodeLab
    • How do you spend your time & effort as TL
      • Project management: make schedules & dev plans
      • Development: participate in engineering work (code / test / deploy / code review); focus on the arch & product design
      • Team management: recruiting & coaching & performance review
      • Impact & Communication: both inside Ant and with the community (such as MS / JetBrains / SourceGraph)
    • Which programming languages are you using
      • Java / Kotlin for backend development & tooling
      • Web Frontend tech stack (JavaScript / TypeScript, etc.)
      • Choose the most productive PL & framework for certain projects
    • Experience with C++ / Python
      • Familiar with Python for test development & scripting (during work experience at Tencent and TP-LINK)
    • Do you enjoy being a full-stack developer, or consider yourself more as a backend developer
      • Definitely enjoy being a full-stack developer
      • Deliver proof-of-concept work quickly
      • Have full control over the developer experience
    • Why considering the opportunity, have you ever heard of DM before
      • Hope to make a conversation about the thoughts on cloud development with DM / Google
      • 2016 AlphaGo’s match left a deep impression
      • Did some research after received the LinkedIn message (DM Website / PodCasts / Teams & Roles, etc.)