1. Plugins
- IDE Features Trainer, newcomer’s guide
- Presentation Assist
- ideaVim, custom settings in
- Key Promoter, display keyboard shortcuts for every action
2. Actions & Shortcuts
Keymap: Mac OSX 10.5+
2.1 Quick Access
- cmd + shift + a Find action and shortcuts
- cmd + shift + o Open file, supports wildcard / camelcase
- cmd + option + o Symbol lookup, supports filtering:
- Search Everywhere
- left / right History
- tab Navigate
- shift ( in Run Configuration ) Switch between Run and Debug
- settings include / exclude search options
open plugin settings
2.2 Editor
- F2 Next high priority problem
- cmd + F12 File structure popup, supports speed search
- cmd + - / + Collapse / Expand
- cmd + shift + - / + Collapse all / Expand all
- cmd + y Show definition
- control + j Show quick documation
- cmd + shift + F12 Hide/Show all toolwindow
- cmd + shift + v Show clipboard
- cmd + shift + b Go to implementations
2.3 Code Assistance
- cmd + j Live template and do quick search (such as
) - option + up Extend selection (context aware)
- cmd + p View method signature
- cmd + option + t Surround with, such as
- Move Line Up
Code completion:
- CamelCase prefixes in code completion:
code completion suggestions,m.r
- control + shift + space: Type matching code completion (IDE analyzes the expected type of the whole expression and helps to find methods and variables that are applicable in the current context)
- cmd + shift + enter Complete statements
- invoke smart completion twice to see chained method calls
- invoke basic completion twice to see completion for static methods: e.g.
- postfix completion:
- Extract variable / method
- Pull methods up
2.4 Activate ToolWindow
- cmd + 1: Project
- cmd + 2: Favorites
- cmd + 9: Version Control
- cmd + 4/5: Run / Debug
- option + F1: Navigating between IDE components
- cmd + F12: Terminal
- cmd + shift + left / right: Resize ToolWindow
3. Tips
- Don’t use Tab, use Recent Files popups, supports speed search and deletion
- cmd + e Recent files
- cmd + shift + e Recent edited files
- Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs -> Tab Appearance - Placement: None
- Hide Navigation Bar, invoke with cmd + up
- Enable Project - Settings - Autoscroll to Source
- Assign shortcut for VCS - Git - Annotate
- View Help - Productivity Guide
- Option + Mouse selection for multi-cursor
Local History
支持对目录、文件查看变更历史,可以作为 VCS 误操作的一些补救措施,不要过度依赖。
- Project View 右键 -> Local History
- VCS -> Local History
1. 窗口布局相关
- 快速开/关 Project 视图:cmd + 1
- 调整 Project 窗口宽度:cmd + shift + left/right
- 快速开/关除编辑器外的其他 ToolWindow: cmd + shift + F12,有助于聚焦在代码浏览
2. 文件浏览相关
- 建议关闭 Tabs 模式,通过 Recent Files 快捷键来切换文件
- 查看最近打开的文件:cmd + e,支持输入字符搜索,列表序是按文件打开时间倒排的
- Project 视图选项里开启 Autoscroll from Source,目录会自动跟随定位到当前打开的文件
- Project 视图也支持 Speed Search,即输入字符快速在列表中搜索匹配
- 快速将窗口焦点切换到编辑器:esc 或 F4
- Project 视图中左右键可快速打开关闭一个目录
3. 快捷键搜索
- 文件/类/符号检索
- 全局字符串搜索,支持正则、文件名过滤等搜索条件 cmd + shift + f
- 当前文件的符号检索 cmd + F12
注:2018.3+ 版本后,Search Everywhere 搜索框,可通过 Tab 来切换搜索维度了。
4. 代码跳转/展示
- 代码折叠/展开:cmd + -/+
- 全部代码折叠/展开:cmd + shift + -/+
- 代码导航:
- 查看实现 Go to Implementation cmd + shift + b
- 查看调用 Find Usage option + F7
- 查看定义 Quick Definition popup cmd + y
- 查看文档 Quick Documentation popup F1 或 shift + k
- 添加书签/查看书签列表:F3 及 shift + F3
- 函数参数提示:cmd + p
5. Java Develop 相关
- BreakPoint 可以分组并命名
- Copy Name (cmd + shift + c) / Copy reference (cmd + shift + option + c)
ideaVim 配置
IntelliJ 的 ideaVim 插件同样支持 vimrc 配置文件,位于 ~/.ideavimrc
set hlsearch
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set showmode
set history=100000
nnoremap <Space>sc :nohlsearch<CR>
nnoremap Y y$
imap <C-n> <ESC>:action HippieCompletion<CR>a
imap <C-p> <ESC>:action HippieBackwardCompletion<CR>a
Using IDEA for document writing
- Enable shell script
(Using JetBrains Toolbox) - Enable LanguageTool plugin (
plugin which is bundled) for spelling and grammar check - Disable all toolbar to avoid distraction: View Appearence - Toolbar / ToolWindow Bar / Status Bar / Navigation Bar
- Configure Font:
14px for both IDE Theme and Editor Font. (Switch Back toMenlo
orJetBrains Mono
for code). Note that IDEA’s Terminal share the same font with Editor
- Add shortcuts for Markdown operation:
- Cyclic Expand Word (Completion): control + enter
- Config Markdown Style CSS: Load from URI (Using Markdown GitHub Style css)
- Config Markdown Live Template for table